Little Real Estate has formed a referral partnership with easyBondpay to give our tenants a solution to the financial stresses of dealing with their rental bond. With easyBondpay, the troubles of moving home are eased as bonds can be paid over monthly instalments.

If you have lots of other moving costs, are waiting for the current bond to be returned, or don’t want to dip into your savings to pay the bond, then paying your bond in instalments may suit you.

EasyBondpay will pay the full bond directly to your property manager on the day the bond loan was approved. You can repay the borrowed amount with monthly repayments until the bond has been fully repaid. 

If you’re moving home and are renting with Little Real Estate, contact us today about the easy way to sort out your bond payment.

Disclosure: Little Real Estate receives a commission of 2% of the amount funded to refer you to easyBondpay.

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